‘Common man’s voyage’ compiled in a poetic way
Dr. N. Gopi Vice Chancellor of Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad has released ‘Manishi Naa Bhaasha’ a compendium book of poems written by Killada Satyanarayana, Director General of Andhra Pradesh State, Disaster Response and Fire Services Department.

The book release function was splendidly organised by Visakha Rasagna Vedika at Visakhapatnam public Library. Poet and writer Visweswara Varma Bhupathi Raju, Writer Bhagavatham, Harshavardhan and others participated in the book release function.
Mr. Satyanaryana said that, ‘the book is a collection of 51 poems with a main theme focussed on common man actions that eventfully makes his life successful or unsuccessful. As humans we believe that destiny plays a key role in our life; but the poems narrate innumerable actions of a man and their repercussion which handle the destiny. He weaves his personal experiences, love for nature and essence of human values in this book. He dedicated his book to this father who was his inspiration.
Dr. N. Gopi applauded the writer, Mr.Satyanarayana who compiled his emotions through the collections of poems; his inner brightness of looking everything in a humanistic angle has elevated him to a philosopher which filled the book with human fragrance.

President of Visakha Rasagna Vedika, G. Raghuram Garu congratulated Mr. Satyanaryana on bringing an aroma of fresh air to the poetic world. ‘Masnishi Naa Bhaasha’ is just not simple poetry; it is philosophical verses of common man’s life. Looking at the society, the man and his actions with this philosophy, the problems faced by human being have taken a poetic form in this book. Every human being will simultaneously enjoy luxury and faces difficulties in his life, but it is a fact that happiness lies within us as the verse ‘Anandaami Nennu’, notifies in this book.
‘Dehamlo Suunyam/ Suunyam lo Sukham
Mastishkam Visraminchina chota
Swacchamaina Saktini Nenu
Trikaalaalu Nishkraminchina Chota
Paripoorna Aanandanmi Nenu’
Meaning: Whatever challenges are faced by a man, through his past experiences and knowledge. He needs to free himself from the past. He has to identify himself.
In the poem ‘Tanekkada?’ he writes
‘Jana Vidhividhanaalu Paalaraatito Chekkutaatu
Jana Aacharanam Uggupalato Chitriikaristaaru’
At the same time, the comforts in the world will pull him back.
In the poem ‘Naadi’, he writes that a man wants to possess everything on this earth…
‘ Nadiche Chakram Naadi
Tellani Jaabilli Naadi’
This book is has various new poetic expressions which one cannot simplify with philosophical dimensions. It is withstand to the literary test. This is new style of poetry writing, where the poet takes the common reader along with him in to the poetry and finally leads him at the high pedestal of philosophy; just like the aeroplane takes off on the running and soars high in the sky.